Inclusive ECE

The LACOE Inclusive ECE team is comprised of a multi-disciplinary team of experts committed to increasing access, support, and participation of children with disabilities in inclusive early learning environments. We strive to do so by building staff capacity to meet the legal mandates of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Standardized and competency-based trainings were developed with the intent of supporting ECE providers' pedagogies in individualized aides, supports, and strategies that bring about high-quality instruction for all children.

Our team of experts include:

  • Education and Child Development Consultant
  • Disability Services Specialists- Licensed Marriage Family Therapist, Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Credentialed Early Head Start Childhood Educator, and Case Manager/ Severe Disabilities 
  • Licensed Occupational Therapist/ Consultant
  • Health Consultant
  • Educational/Clinical Psychologist/ Mental Health Consultants
  • School Psychology/ Disability Services Consultants (Early Intervention and Special Education)
  • Registered Dietetic Technician/Program Results Specialist
  • Certificated Special Education Administrator/ Early Start

The team is led by Sandra Williams, Ph.D., who has extensive experience in special education administration and school psychology.