Inclusive ECE Coaching Evaluation (2019-20)

In 2019, LACOE was granted the Inclusive Early Learning Care and Coordination Program (IELCCP) by the California Department of Education, Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) & Special Education Division (SED). This grant funded the Inclusive ECE project during 2019-2020. Components of the grant included delivering team simulated professional development (coaching) and developing a plan for intensive individualized practice-based coaching for teachers. 

To assess gains in knowledge, skills, and dispositions and implementation in early learning settings, evaluation and pilot study were conducted. 

Click on the below tabs to learn about the coaching evaluation and pilot study.

  • Coaching Evaluation
  • Individualized Coaching Pilot Study

In March 2020, LACOE contracted with an evaluator to ascertain the effects of the Introduction to Coaching team simulated professional development on knowledge, skills, and the impact on teaching practices in the early learning classrooms.

The team simulation module allowed for coaching scenarios formatted and delivered in triad components (coach, “coachee,” observer).  This peer teaching approach is evidence-based and proven effective with ECE staff.

The evaluation focused on:

  • participants who attended the Introduction to Coaching and Coaching Bootcamp submodules
  • participants' gains in competencies, knowledge and skills
  • impacts and implementation of knowledge and skills in the early learning setting

Data collection method and analysis: 

  • Retrospective pre/post survey administered in May 2020
  • Disaggregated results based on participation in coaching submodules (Introduction to Coaching only vs. Introduction to Coaching and Coaching Bootcamp)
  • Disaggregated results based on provider role (teacher vs. manager/coach)

Introduction to Coaching Picture


Coaching Bootcamp group picture

Results from the evaluation were used to further improve the coaching triad model. Lessons learned will be implemented in the simulated team coaching component of Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program (IEEEP). 

Key takeaways:

90% of coaches and administrators agreed as a result of the coaching trainings, their coaching positively impacted children’s outcomes.


83% of respondents agreed the trainings provided them with content to support their work.


79% agreed the trainings helped them build coaching skills to support inclusion.


75% of site administrator respondents agreed they made changes to their site’s teaching model based on the knowledge gained from IECE team simulated coaching.



76% of respondents shared they often or very often used the information they learned to support positive behavioral changes.



77% agreed that the training helped them identify the coaching model that meet the needs of their setting.

In the 2019-20 program year, the Inclusive ECE team developed a plan and model for intensive individualized coaching for coaches and supervisors to build their capacity in supporting teachers of children with moderate to severe disabilities in general education settings.

This model was framed by research conducted by Bruce Joyce and Beverly Showers that showed developing knowledge and theory, demonstration of practice, and peer coaching escalated effective teaching practices (Joyce & Showers, 2002). This model was piloted with consortium partners.

The pilot study components:

  • small group hands-on trainings and classroom observation and coaching. 
  • supervisors and coaches also attended the trainings to ensure the implementation of theory and practice
  • interdisciplinary training team: Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst, Occupational Therapist, Education and Child Development Consultant, and Mental Health Professional. 
  • participants developed individual action plans which included action steps to implement the newly gained knowledge, to build upon participants' previous knowledge, and to implement new strategies to their classroom/settings.

Data collection method and analysis: 

  • Retrospective pre/post training evaluation to all participants administered at the end of the hands-on training
  • Pre and post-survey were administered to teaching staff at the beginning of the hands-on training and at the conclusion of the program year (June 2020)


Intensive Individualized Coaching Pilot Picture


Intensive Individualized Coaching Pilot Picture

The pilot determined the training content and structure would improve inclusive teaching practices and additional training content were recommended for the intensive individualized coaching component of the Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program (IEEEP). 

Key takeaways:

Teaching staff had more gains in their knowledge of sensory integration compared to behavior management. 


Teaching staff increased agreement of their confidence and ability to manage and prevent challenging behaviors and address sensory needs.


Overall, teaching staffs' perception of challenging behavior decreased after the training. 


Teaching staff shared the skills and strategies, such as ABC's of behavior, visual boards, and daily picture schedule, made the most impact in their classroom. 



Administrators, coaches, and supervisors also had increased knowledge, skills, and dispositions after the training. One supervisor suggested integrating concepts related to the impact of trauma on behavior.



Respondents shared the training was useful, provided many strategies and how to implement them. One respondent shared having an ABA and OT together is much needed.