Inclusive ECE

IELCCP/IEEEP projects are funded by the California Department of Education, Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) & Special Education Division (SED)

The purpose of IELCCP and IEEEP or Inclusive ECE (IECE) is to increase access, participation, and support of children with moderate to severe disabilities in early learning settings through training, team simulated professional development, intensive individualized coaching, digital resource library, facilities infrastructure improvements, and mobile services.  These efforts are overseen by a consortium of stakeholders to ensure project success. These grants are delivered through an interdisciplinary team of professionals.  LACOE is committed to making a difference in the lives of our most vulnerable children by bringing attention to issues that limit enrollment of children with moderate to severe disabilities in early education settings. To increase enrollment of children with a broad range of disabilities into Early Learning and Care (ELC) settings, LACOE will implement a six-pronged approach under the guidance of an advisory group that builds ELC infrastructure and staff capacity over four years (2020-24).