Introduction to IFSP and IEP

Team members participates on IFSP and IEP team will understand the function of the plan and implements recommendations. Designs learning plans to include all levels and IEP goals. Knows state and federal laws related to development of IFSP and IEP teams.

Resources and References

Alignment with CA
ECE Competencies

Head Start Performance Standards

• Special Needs and Inclusion

Part §1302 – Program Operations
Subpart C- Education and Child Development Program Services
§1302.30 Purpose
§1302.31 Teaching and learning environment
§1302.32 Curricula
§1302.33 Child screenings and assessments
Subpart F- Additional Services for Children with Disabilities Health Program Services

§1302.61 Additional services for children


InclusiveECE TSC Introduction to IFSP and IEP Factsheet