How Poor Oral Health can Affect Children's Behavior

This training explores the effects of poor oral health on a child’s overall development and how these affect physical and psychological aspects of their behavior.​ Effects of age, ability, socio-economic status, ethnicity, and geography and how these influence poor oral health and access to treatment.​ Collaborative activities will occur to enhance the learning experience for participants.

Resources and References

Alignment with CA
ECE Competencies

Head Start Performance Standards

• Health, Safety, and Nutrition

Part §1302 – Program Operations
Subpart D- Health Program Services
§1302.42 Child health status and care
§1302.43 Oral health practice
§1302.46 Family support services for health, nutrition, and mental health
Subpart H- Services to enrolled pregnany women


InclusiveECE TSC How Poor Oral Health can Affect Children's Behavior Factsheet