To help limit the spread of COVID-19, the Los Angeles County Office of Education has closed its offices to the public. Inclusive ECE will be conducting all trainings and supports virtually until further notice. Please visit LACOE COVID-19 page for guidance and resources. 


Non-Violent Crisis Intervention

Non-Violent Crisis Intervention training is a training that focuses on prevention and offers proven strategies for safely defusing anxious, hostile or violent behavior at the earliest possible stage. This training includes evidence based effective skills that to manage and prevent difficult behavior.

Alignment with CA
ECE Competencies

Head Start Performance Standards

• Child Development and Learning
• Culture, Diversity, and Equity
• Relationships, Interactions, and Guidance
• Special Needs and Inclusion
• Health, Safety, and Nutrition
• Administration and Supervision

Part §1302 – Program Operations
Subpart A- Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance
§1302.17 Suspension and expulsion
Subpart C- Education and Child Development Program Services
§1302.30 Purpose
§1302.31 Teaching and the learning environment
§1302.32 Curricula
§1302.33 Child screenings and assessments
§1302.34 Parent and family engagement in education and child development services
§1302.35 Education in home-based programs
Subpart D- Health Program Services
§1302.42 Child health status and care
§1302.45 Child mental health and social and emotional well-being
§1302.46 Family support services for health, nutrition, and mental health
Subpart I- Human Resources Management
§1302.90 Personnel policies
§1302.91 Staff qualifications and competency requirements
§1302.92 Training and professional development
Subpart J- Program Management and Quality Improvement
§1302.102 Achieving program goals
Part §1304- Federal Administrative Procedures,
Subpart B- Designation Renewal

§1304.11 Basis for determining whether a Head Start agency will be subject to an open competition