To help limit the spread of COVID-19, the Los Angeles County Office of Education has closed its offices to the public. Inclusive ECE will be conducting all trainings and supports virtually until further notice. Please visit LACOE COVID-19 page for guidance and resources. 


Inclusion Works!

Using the Inclusion Works! Handbook and video resources, participants will:

  • gain knowledge about the purpose of inclusive early learning practices and legislative mandates surrounding implementation.
  • gain knowledge about the goal of Inclusive Early Learning and the rationale behind inclusion as well as the factors for high quality inclusion and eligibility criteria.
  • gain knowledge of Universal Design (UD) to create inclusive learning environments that support the needs of diverse learners.
  • gain knowledge about when and how to appropriately share concerns about development with a family and how to collaborate with families for successful inclusion.
  • gain knowledge about how collaboration between a child’s family, educators, and specialists help to expand learning and enrich educational experiences.
  • gain knowledge about how curriculum modifications are applicable for all children as a means to individualized learning strategies and increase children’s ability to participate.
  • have an opportunity to translate their knowledge into skills by creating a learning experience using the principles of UD and Creative Curriculum Resources.
  • explore curriculum modifications and the intentionality of use through thoughtful application of teaching behaviors.

Resources and References

Alignment with CA
ECE Competencies

Head Start Performance Standards

• Child Development and Learning
• Family and Community Engagement
• Special Needs and Inclusion
• Learning Environments and Curriculum

Part §1302 – Program Operations
Subpart C- Education and Child Development Program Services

§1302.30 Purpose
§1302.31 Teaching and learning environment
§1302.32 Curricula
Subpart D- Health Program Services
§1302.41 Collaboration and communication with families
Subpart E- Family and Community Engagement Program Services
§1302.51 Parent activities to promote child learning and development
Subpart F- Additional Services for Children with Disabilities
§1302.60 Full participation in program services and activities
§1302.61 Additional services for children 
§1302.62 Additional services for parents 
§1302.63 Coordination and collaboration with the local agency responsible for implementing IDEA 
Subpart I- Human Resources Management §1302.92 Training and professional development


InclusiveECE Inclusion Works! Factsheet