
Intensive Individualized Coaching (IIC)

  • What is IIC?
  • Why is it important?
  • Who is involved?
  • How does it work?

In alignment with the LACOE’s School Readiness Grantee Information Memorandum (GIM) and LACOE’s multiple coaching supports the Inclusive Early Childhood Education (IECE) Team will provide Intensive Individualized Coaching (IIC) (virtually or in-person) to teaching teams identified by the IIC Consortium.

The goal of IIC is to utilize a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary coaching model to scaffold staff knowledge, disposition and teaching strategies to meet the diverse needs of children with complex needs, with a broad range of disabilities in the general early learning settings. Teaching teams include coaches, site administrators/leaders, and instructional teaching staff. IIC uses specialized coaching to support and promote inclusive practices for children with moderate to severe disabilities.

Each academic year in alignment with LACOE’s School Readiness GIM, four consortium partners are supported through IIC. The partners supported this academic year (2020-2021) are Foundations for Early Childhood Education, Mexican American Opportunity Foundation (MAOF), Para Los Ninos (PLN), and Pacific Asian Consortium of Employment (PACE). 

LACOE Inclusive ECE regional institutes, and practice-based team simulated coaching, coupled with intensive individualized coaching, will increase access, enrollment, and retention of children with disabilities in early childhood general education settings. The intensive individualized coaching framework enables LACOE to work more closely and intentionally with individual early learning and care (ELC) staff. This technique will directly improve instructional staff’s knowledge, skills, and abilities to meet the complex needs of children with a broad range of disabilities.

  1. Direct educational staff (birth to 5 teachers and assistant teachers in all program options)
  2. Coaches, site leaders, content area coordinators (Education, Mental Health, Health and Disabilities) and Administrators

IECE Consortium submits a nomination to the IIC Lead. The IECE team reviews the nomination and makes a determination based on the information provided, including ChildPlus data (IFSP/IEP and comprehensive services). At the determination meeting based on area of need and content area specialization teaching teams are assigned an Individual Coaching Action Plan (ICAP) Case Manager and the IECE Consortium is assigned an Professional Development Plan (PD) Case Manager.

Both the ICAP and PD Plan utilizes a variety of coaching supports provided by the interdisciplinary experts with expertise in the following areas: Staff Wellness, Child Development and Education, Behavior and Classroom Management and Early Intervention and Special Education.

Intensive Individualized Coaching visual

COVID-19: To help limit the spread of COVID-19, the Los Angeles County Office of Education has closed its offices to the public. Inclusive ECE will be conducting all trainings and supports virtually until further notice. 

Inclusive ECE consortium partners can request training and professional development and/or technical assistance by completing and submitting the below forms.