
CalSNAP Link

Explore CalSNAP for one search in one place! Provided by LACOE’s Multimedia Services, CalSNAP provides a single search of high-quality digital education resources (videos, images, audio, articles, ebooks, and more), allowing users to access:

  • Premier licensed digital media content in California Streaming and Scholastic GO!,
  • State funded databases from the California State Library (Britannica School, Britannica Escolar, and Teaching Books), and
  • Safe and vetted open educational resources, such as Annenberg Learner, Unite for Literacy, Common Sense Education, and others.


eLibrary Services link

As the sole library services provider for Los Angeles County Office of Education, eLibrary Services proudly offers Los Angeles Pre-K-12 educators relevant and robust digital resources and professional development workshops. Find educational materials unavailable from other county and city agencies with our fully curated Educator Collection. Find material specific for Inclusive Early Learning and Education in our Inclusive ECE shelf. All you need is a FREE LACOE eLS library card

  • Over 7,000 ebook and audiobook titles
  • The latest in educational technology, special education, professional development, early learning, and classroom literature
  • 70% of our educational titles are not offered by any L.A. city or county public library
  • Award-winning fiction and nonfiction, information texts in all subject areas
  • Strong support for college and career readiness